Pardon my flatulence...
but the price of gas is on the rise again. This time by about 30 sen or so I hear. Looks like I'm going to have to go back to taking the train to work. And so I can look forward to seeing all my old 'carriage-buddies' again. Funny how everyone habitually sits in the same place on the train every day.
Anyway, painful as it is, it's about time the government raised the price of fuel/cut subsidies to put that money to better use. Exactly what better use remains to be seen. In any case, the repercussions are going to be severe.
1 As it stands, many families in Malaysia are only just scraping by financially. Now that petrol is up, they're going nowhere fast. All those RapidKL buses (departures every 5 minutes) which are currently empty are suddenly going to fill up. So while others get poorer, someone's getting rich.
2 I predict the crime rate will rise. Sociologically, in a society where there is abundance, people don't need to take from others. Malaysia barely has enough. From now on, I'm going to have to watch my back.
3 The divide between rich and poor will grow ever wider. As it is, anyone with a smidgeon of vitreous humour will know that there is an undercurrent of racial polarisation in the country. Now the people will further segement by race as well as status.
4 One factor that makes our country "globally competitive" is "cost effective labour". This means we get paid less for doing the same job as compared to our western counterparts. Don't count on your salaries being raised as the cost of living escalates.
5 Be prepared for some killer inflation. Goods cost more, people spend less. Economy becomes sluggish.
While we can't blame the government for this price hike and everything that follows, who's fault is it that our state is as it is now? Our house simply is not in order, and the in-laws have arrived. Or so to speak. We had a few good years to make good our situation, but unfortunately little seems to have been done.
Now one must ask in the light of the fuel subsidy cut, just where this money is being channeled to. The 'jewels' in our national economy namely MAS and PROTON haven't exactly been bringing home the bread. *ahem*
The Limit Of Adhesion
Approaching the corner with excess speed, heel toe down a gear and let the engine braking pull the nose down. Turn in and when the front rubber bites, yank the handbrake and counter. Sometimes the drift is spectacular. Sometimes, the ditch wins.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Saturday, February 04, 2006
a tale of 2 farmers
It's been a long while since I last blogged... Actuall I wanted to post this afternoon but for some reason I was locked out. Stupid technology. Stupid old age forgetting my login details. Finally got that sorted and well since you all wanted more, and since I promised someone I'd post again, and since I finally concocted something worth posting, I shall now post.
Once there were 2 farmers who worked 2 neighbouring plots of land. The first farmer planted his field with corn, which ripened and turned a golden yellow. The second farmer also grew corn, but his corn only grew half as tall as the first farmer, and even then, the corn's leaves looked pale.
Dissapointed, the second farmer decided that next season he would grow barley instead. And so the next year, his field yielded so much barley that he had no place to store all of it. The second farmer was jealous, and thought he too would plant barley. But this time, his barley didn't yield enough to brew even a single bottle of Jack Daniels Single Malt Special.
Funnily though, every time a story involves farmers and plants, you always think there's a moral to it. Now I could think of a worthwhile moral to this story if I wanted to, but alas, there is none. Thank you all for wasting your time reading my brog. Without your popular demand I wouldn't be brogging again.
P/S I have downgraded to an old school Nokia butterfly phone with no camera. So y'all'll have to wait till I can scrounge up enough money to have pics on my blog again.
PP/S Now opening for donations...