Can you slam a rotating door?
Alright, readers. Your mission, should you choose to accept is to write your best Chuck Norris testimonial. I'll get the ball rolling...
1. Chuck Norris killed the video star.
2. Crying over spilt milk is when Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks you in the nads.
3. The only women Chuck Norris doesn't have sex with are nunchucks
Edit: I think this one is the money...
Stevie Wonder wrote "Superstition" when he saw Chuck Norris.
The Limit Of Adhesion
Approaching the corner with excess speed, heel toe down a gear and let the engine braking pull the nose down. Turn in and when the front rubber bites, yank the handbrake and counter. Sometimes the drift is spectacular. Sometimes, the ditch wins.
Chuck Norris eats transformer toys in vehicle mode and poos them out transformed into a robot
Chuck Norris drinks Johnnie Walker, Texas Ranger.
George Bush's middle name is Walker and he comes from Texas.
Chuck Norris is Walker, Texas Ranger.
Therefore, if you removed George Bush's mask Scooby-doo style, you will find that George Bush is, in fact, Chuck Norris.
And he would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those pesky kids and that damn dog.
Chuck Norris would chuck a woodchuck who chucks Chuck Norris' wood.
When Chuck Norris sneezes, he blesses God.
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