lurk ( P ) Pronunciation Key (lûrk)
intr.v. lurked, lurk·ing, lurks
To lie in wait, as in ambush.
To move furtively; sneak.
To exist unobserved or unsuspected: danger lurking around every bend.
Has any one of you actually tried to lurk? Really, it's something you can't do on your own.
"Hey... I think I'll go lurk in that bush over there"
You can only lurk when someone else designates you a lurker.
"Hey... Forlan's lurking near the goal"
So I don't quite see how lurk can be defined as "To exist unobserved or unsuspected"
Well, enough beating round the bush, that's today's English lesson.
The Limit Of Adhesion
Approaching the corner with excess speed, heel toe down a gear and let the engine braking pull the nose down. Turn in and when the front rubber bites, yank the handbrake and counter. Sometimes the drift is spectacular. Sometimes, the ditch wins.